Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Bus Driver Jumps Curb Kills Baby in NY

This type of news story angers me on so many levels. A bus driver has been hit with multiple charges, after allegedly using a cellphone while driving and causing a chain-reaction crash that left a baby dead in West New York.

After answering a cell phone call, the bus driver jumped the curve and crushed the baby! Just devastating to the parents! What will it take to get it in peoples minds that driver distraction kills!

Make a special effort New York to drive safely and stay focused!

Bus Driver Charged In Crash That Kills Baby In West New York « CBS New York

Monday, July 22, 2013


How long can this pain in my neck go on?  Well that depends in how serious your neck injury.  Some factors that will determine how long your pain will last includes:
  • Age
  • The seriousness if the accident.
  • Any treatment for your injuries after the accident.

‘Whiplash Associated Disorder’ (WAD), is  a term used to describe and grade whiplash injuries from 1 to 5 pertaining to car accidents and it's symptoms.

Rear end accident, t-bone accident or even a head-on collision can cause the head and neck to violently thrust forward, back or side to side. Pain experienced after the accident, is due to strains and possible tears to surrounding muscles, tendons and ligaments of the neck as well is impaction of the lower vertebrae in the cervical (neck) spine (most commonly at C5 and C6 spinal level).

Diagnosing whiplash requires a physical examination and possibly MRI or X-ray.  One the severity of the injury is determined then a treatment plan is put into motion for recovery.

WAD can result from speeds as little ad15km/h, even in minor altercations, one should seek medical advice on the treatment and rehabilitation of any resulting neck pain.

Adequate treatment must be sought in the early stages of Whiplash, neck pain.  Delay in treating WAD can can result in degenerative changes causing weakness to the supporting soft tissues of the spine, resulting in a chronic pain condition which still requires attention.

Symptoms of any neck injury may include:
  • Pain and aching in the neck and upper back
  • Headaches
  • Pins and needles in the arms and hands
  • Pain on any particular movement of the head and neck
  • Dizziness and even visual disturbances
  • Weakness felt in the arms and hands

If you have been involved in a car accident and suffer from any of the above, it will  probably be in your best interest to seek advice from a pain specialist to determine a correct diagnosis and assist in your recovery.  Once you have seen a physician to treat your whiplash, the next step is to hire a personal injury attorney.